Professional Carpet Cleaning

Welcome to Sunny Carpet Cleaning!
With our expert carpet cleaning services, we’re dedicated to revitalizing your carpets and ensuring a fresh, inviting atmosphere for you and your loved ones.

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Who We Are

Welcome to Sunny Carpet Cleaning!
With years of industry experience and a team of dedicated professionals, we take pride in delivering exceptional results and ensuring customer satisfaction. At Sunny Carpet Cleaning, we understand the importance of clean and fresh carpets in creating a healthy and inviting environment for your home or business.

Our Services

Experience the expertise and professionalism of Sunny Carpet Cleaning. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering outstanding results and ensuring your satisfaction. Contact us today to schedule your next carpet cleaning appointment.


Deep Steam Carpet Cleaning:

Our deep steam carpet cleaning service goes beyond the surface to eliminate embedded dirt, allergens, and tough stains. Using powerful equipment and eco-friendly solutions, we extract deeply ingrained grime, reviving the appearance and freshness of your carpets or area rugs.

Stain and Spot Removal:

Say goodbye to unsightly stains and spots on your carpets. Our skilled technicians are trained in advanced stain removal techniques, effectively tackling even the toughest spills, pet accidents, and discolorations. We’ll restore the beauty of your carpets, leaving them looking flawless.

Odor Removal and Deodorization:

Lingering odors can make a space feel less inviting. Our odor removal and deodorization service helps eliminate unpleasant smells caused by pets, smoke, spills, or other sources. We use specialized treatments that target and neutralize odors, leaving your carpets smelling fresh and clean.

Tile and Grout Cleaning:

Our professional cleaning methods penetrate deep into the pores of your tiles and grout, removing built-up dirt, grime, and mold, leaving your floors sparkling clean and revitalized.


Carpet Protection:

Extend the life of your carpets with our carpet protection service. We apply a layer of protective coating that acts as a shield against future stains and spills. This invisible barrier makes it easier to clean up accidents and helps maintain the pristine appearance of your carpets.

Upholstery Cleaning:

In addition to carpets, we also offer professional upholstery cleaning. Our experts are skilled in handling various fabric types and furniture pieces. We’ll refresh your upholstery, removing dirt, allergens, and stains, ensuring a clean and comfortable seating area for you and your family.

Pet Stain and Odor Treatment:

We understand the challenges of keeping carpets clean with furry friends around. Our pet stain and odor treatment effectively targets and eliminates pet-related stains and odors, leaving your carpets fresh and free from lingering smells.


Drape Cleaning:

Our gentle yet thorough cleaning process safely rejuvenates your drapes, removing dust, allergens, and stains, ensuring they look fresh, vibrant, and free from contaminants.

Why Choose Us

Expertise & Experience

With our extensive knowledge and expertise in the carpet cleaning industry, we understand the unique challenges that South Florida’s climate presents for carpets. Our highly skilled technicians are trained to tackle the most stubborn stains, dirt, and allergens, leaving your carpets looking revitalized and fresh.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

We believe in using cutting-edge technology to deliver superior cleaning results. Our advanced equipment, combined with powerful cleaning solutions, ensures a thorough deep cleaning process that eliminates embedded dirt and bacteria, promoting a healthier indoor environment for you and your loved ones.

Environmentally Friendly Practices

We are dedicated to preserving South Florida’s natural beauty and reducing our impact on the environment. That’s why we utilize eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for your carpets, your family, and the planet. Our methods are designed to minimize water usage and waste, providing an environmentally responsible cleaning solution.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that each carpet is unique, and we customize our services to meet your specific needs. Whether you require routine maintenance cleaning or targeted stain removal, our team will work closely with you to develop a personalized cleaning plan that fits your budget and schedule.


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